Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I received something very special the other day. Hubby placed the thingy where I could immediately find it upon waking up. He knows that the first thing I’ll do is turn the laptop on and so it was positioned on top of it. Surprise, surprise! It was sooo unexpected because this is the first card he ever gave to me during our 8 years together. Unbelievable? Well, he wrote me love letters through email so that explains why (pahangyoon nalang hehe)

Here it goes:

To my Mayang, my dearest wife,

Sorry I haven’t been very helpful lately.
I’ve been working with computers too much
that I get frustrated when I cannot solve problems.
Too much interaction with the machine might have made a machine out of me =)

I wish I could just wash your worries away
and repaint the smile on your face.
You’ve once been jolly and full of life;
Somehow worries cloud out the light in you.
I draw my strength from you.
What shakes you, magnifies within me.

I can’t pretend that I know so much about your feelings.
And as much as I wanted to be you hero,
I don’t have the faintest idea.
But I will be there/here for you.
And I will support you in ways that I can.
Don’t worry about it too much.
Let’s live our lives and be happy while we still can.
Our worries will multiply when we have kids.
Till then, no worries.

Know that you are the GREATEST person in my life. You are my world.

Love you very much,

I was deeply touched **tears and sip-on dripped like mad**

Thank you so much D for all your patience and unwavering support. You’re my strength and my world too. Mwah!!! ** hugs and kisses**


Anonymous said...

Very good......

anrym said...

thanks =D

MARIZ said...

Im so glad we have the sweetest husband, a blessing gyud. We must have done something good in life for giving them to us...:) keep in touch!

anrym said...

mariz! apir wahaha..bitaw, i hope they will stay sweet 4ever =D